Marketing summit Prague 2020
In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization
Digital commercialization and faced with the world’s most eagers has been in comprehensive.
We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing your industry or exchange notes with your peers and competitors. Maybe you want to place your company.
We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers.
In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization
In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization
In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization
#Event Speakers
Líder de proyecto - SENACE
Gerente general - NOVATECH
Gerente general - KIEV ASOCIADOS
Gerente de Operaciones y Proyectos - BSF
#Thought leadership
José Eduardo Torres Lam, Director General – REVISTAENERGIA.PE
Expositor: Jaime Luyo Kuong, Viceministro de Electricidad - MINISTERIO DE ENERGÍA Y MINAS
Expositor: Alberto Ríos Villacorta, Consultor en Energía
Moderador: Pedro Gamio Aita, Ex Viceministro de Energía
● José Donoso, Director General - UNIÓN ESPAÑOLA FOTOVOLTAICA - UNEF
● Miguel Hernández Borrero, Presidente - ASOCIACIÓN COLOMBIANA DE ENERGÍA SOLAR - ACOSOL
Expositor: Fernando González, Presidente - ASOCIACIÓN DE CONCENTRACIÓN SOLAR DE POTENCIA – ACSP (Chile)
We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020
We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event
We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020
We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event
We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020
We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
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Campaign’s operations. Apart from a candidate the campaign manger is often a the Successful campaigns usually require a campaign again manager coordinate campaign for aparts.
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#News & blogs